Domain Name

DNS (Domain Name System): The DNS is a set of distributed databases containing IP (Internet Protocol) addresses and their corresponding domain names. An example of an IP address is and might have a domain name linked to it such as The Netsouth domain name is  

Netsouth DNS Services Rate
Registration of domain name $35.00/year : multi-year selection
Annual domain name renewal $35.00
Park domain name $25.00/year
Mirror site: multiple domains $45 setup
DNS Information
How DNS Servers Work
Understanding the DNS system
What is a DNS Server?
DNS server runs special-purpose networking software
Creating a Domain Name
Creation, registration and handling of requests for the domain name.
Other DNS Questions and Answers
Whois Search
Domain Name Information  
Domain Name Registration Support
Netsouth provides domain name registration support to register your domain name.

This support includes determining with you the desired name and then searching the Internic Whois site to determine if someone else already has that name. If not then Netsouth will work with registered and setup. Follow up includes checking to insure that the registration goes through properly.

Once the InterNIC announces that your domain name has been registered (or transferred, if applicable), it usually takes about 24-72 hours before it is active. This is called propagation.