| BACK TO DOMAINS MAIN PAGE | How Servers Work | What is a Server? | Creating a Domain Name | DNS FAQ | Who is Search |
Netsouth Computer Services(NCS) is an Internet/PC consulting firm set
up to provide Website design, graphics/image design, ecommerce on-line web store setup, digital image services, web
page hosting, web page/site maintenance, virtual vision 360-degree property tours, streaming audio,and general marketing
services appropriate to the Internet. Our mission is to assist companies, businesses, organizations and individuals in
establishing an effective presence on the Internet.
A domain name is an Internet address (example: some-company.com). This is the
convention used to access a Website. Many people use domain names to promote their business. A registrant would go through a
registrar to register a domain name with the registry.
Are there any rules
for registering a domain names? |
A domain name can contain the English-language letters A through Z, and the
digits 0 through 9. You can also use hyphens, but hyphens cannot begin or end your domain name. Spaces and special characters
(i.e. - !, $, &, #, etc.) are never permitted. It must be a minimum of 3 characters, and a maximum length of 67 characters.
How do I find out if
the domain name I want is available? |
You can check the availability of a domain by doing a Whois check. This check will show
where the domain is registered, the contact information (registrant, administrator, technical, and billing), the registration created
date, expiration date, updated date, and the DNS name server information (where it is pointed to).
What can I do if the
domain name I want has already been registered? |
If your domain name is already registered with someone else you can backorder your
domain name or if the domain name you choose is not available, try checking variations of the domain and/or with the other
extensions. For example if you want "yourcompany.com" and it is not available, try "yourcompany.biz" or "yourcompany.info."
Keep in mind some names may be trademarked.
Who do I list as the
contacts on the registration? |
A domain name should generally be registered to the owner/president/CEO/chairman of
the business/organization or to the business/organization itself. The business/organization should also be listed as the billing
contact. The web master or IT person of the business should be listed as the administrator and/or technical contact.
Will I be able to access
my domain name with or without the WWW? |
Yes, you will be able to access
the domain name with or without the WWW in front. Many web hosting providers
do now provide this capability. For example, you can access the domain
name "mydomain.com" by going to "www.mydomain.com" as well as "mydomain.com".
What are name servers
and why do I need them? |
Put simply, name servers are what ties a domain name to an IP address. You can obtain
name servers from your hosting provider. When you host with Netsouth and select us to do the domain name registration then Netsouth
name servers will be used in setting up your site for access. Name server information would look something like:
Name Server. Host Name. Name Server IP Address
I check domain name availability? |
Yes. You can check
domain availability direct from our Website.
Netsouth handle domain registration? |
Netsouth will register new domain
names with InterNIC for you. We charge a registration fee for this and we
register it in YOUR name.
If you have an existing domain we will fill out and send you a modify domain name
template to forward to hostmaster@internic.net. When Internic announces the completion
of the transfer, there is a 72 hourpropagation period where visitors could go to either
site. At the end of the 72 hours you should contact the previous host to have them delete the
old domain from their records and update their DNS record. If you use this
same provider for your Internet access you will not be able to access your
domain site at ncsnet.com until they update their DNS. During
the propagation period persons accessing your site will be going to both
sites until all are eventually accessing the new site hosted by Netsouth. The
process should be seamless.
I transfer an existing domain name to Netsouth? |
Yes. When you contact us be
sure to specify that you are requesting a transfer and NOT a new domain. You
should keep the service at the present site while waiting for Internic to complete
the transfer. We will provide you with a temporary directory so that you can mirror
the site on our server. All email and web pages will still be accessed from your
current site until propagation is complete. If you experience difficulties
getting your domain name modified please contact us and we'll assist in resolving the
long does it take before my domain name is active? |
Once the InterNIC announces
that your domain name has been registered (or transferred, if applicable),
it usually takes about 72-hours before it is active. All internet providers
must update their records (DNS tables) to reflect new site locations. This
is called propagation.
is the Netsouth fee for domain registration? |
The Netsouth fee is $25.00
to register a new domain name. This is a one time setup fee. Annual renewal for your name
after the first year is $35. Experience has shown that the registration process results
in a 24-hour turn around time for completion. Once this is completed Netsouth will then configure
and setup your domain for immediate use. We then invoice you $35 for the registration of
your domain PLUS a registration fee of $25.
multiple domains point to the same HTML files ? |
In general, if you have more
than one domain account at Netsouth we can point each domain address to the
same HTML files. There is a $45 fee to mirror sites.
How long does
a registration last? Can it be renewed? |
Each registrar has the flexibility to offer initial and renewal registrations in
one-year increments, with a total registration period limit of ten years.
do the following errorcodes mean? |
100 Continue
101 Switching Protocols
200 OK
201 Created
202 Accepted
203 Non-Authoritative Information
204 No Content
205 Reset Content
206 Partial Content
300 Multiple Choices
301 Moved Permanently
302 Moved Temporarily
303 See Other
304 Not Modified
305 Use Proxy
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
402 Payment Required
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required
408 Request Time-Out
409 Conflict
410 Gone
411 Length Required
412 Precondition Failed
413 Request Entity Too Large
414 Request-URI Too Large
415 Unsupported Media Type
500 Server Error
501 Not Implemented
502 Bad Gateway
503 Out of Resources
504 Gateway Time-Out
505 HTTP Version not supported