The Internet is the global network of computers that communicate using a
common language. When you connect to your local Internet Service Provider(ISP) via cable, dsl or
local dial-up you are connected to the Internet. No one owns or controls the Internet, but it is
connected in such a way that makes it function like one big network.
What is the World Wide Web? |
The World Wide Web is a term used to describe all of the information and
multimedia content available on the Internet. To access this information,
you use an application called a web browser--examples include the Microsoft
Edge and Google Chrome. These browsers allow you to search,
find, view and download information on the Internet. "Hypertext" makes the web
an easy place to navigate. Using a file format called "HTML" (hypertext markup
language), you jump from one page on the web to other pages. These pages can
contain images, movies, sounds, 3D worlds, just about anything. The "hyperlinks"
are the connecting basics that form the World Wide Web. When you are connected
to the web, you have access to information anywhere in the world, plus there are no
additional "long distance" charges.
The first thing you want to do is open up a "site" and explore what's on that particular
site. Since you've already done that by virtue of being here then search the Google Web Site for something
that you are interested in. It can be a general subject of interest that pertains to the content
of the Google site.You might want to do research or get help with a homework problem. If there is a match, you can connect straight to the site containting the information. If there is no match, redefine your search and try again. You can also visit a particular URL that you may have read about or seen on television.
Where can I find the latest version of the most popular web browsers? |
What are some Antivirus Vendors? |
It is recommended that everyone runs antivirus software on their computer and, more importantly, keep it updated.
All antivirus vendors publish updated regularly with information to protect your computer from the latest viruses and
malware found on the Internet. Once updated, you should also run a full scan of your computer regularly to keep it
Some common antivirus vendors include:
What are signs my computer might be infected with a virus? |
-  The computer runs slow, many times people call into their technical support team and say their internet is slow but what is happening is that the computer is running so slow that just to load the browser takes 5 or more minutes.
-  Strange icons showing up on desktop or in the system tray, if you don’t remember installing the program it is a good sign that there is a problem on your computer.
-  Your homepage is not the same as what you set, often the homepage will be changed to something that will get you to install more malware on your computer.
-  You can’t get to antivirus websites or websites like, the malicious software will rewrite the hosts file and change where you can go to both encourage you to download and install more malware, and to stop you from getting news about or removal tools for the malicious software you have on your computer.
-  Your computer starts to give you Black or Blue screens of death (BSOD). These come from errors in your operating system and are clear signs something is wrong. While a virus isn’t the only way you get them it is a strong contender for it if you don’t know.
How do I test my Internet speed? |
Various sources to check your Internet speed are included on this link.
Internet speed check
URL stands for "Uniform Resource Locator." It is a way to address
information on the web. It describes exactly where the information is.
You can give a URL to a friend in another state or across the continent and they
would be able to access the same information you get with the same URL. It's like a
postal address or a telephone number. There are URL's to describe
hypermedia (http://), FTP and resources (ftp://) and more.
What does "This URL is not recognized" mean? |
The URL itself may be incomplete, incorrect, not entered correctly, the page or
information that the URL pointed at may have been moved or deleted altogether.
If you are typing the URL, make sure you are entering it correctly.
What is hypertext and hypermedia? |
"Hypertext" and "hypermedia" are text or graphics that have links embedded
in them. You activate hypertext and hypermedia links, also called
hyperlinks, by clicking on a underlined word or a highlighted graphic on a
Web page. Clicking on a hyperlink takes you to another document. These
documents can be other pages of information, other web sites, movies,
pictures, or sounds.
What About Viruses on Web Pages? |
Your computer cannot "catch" a virus by just clicking on a web page. However,
if you download a new program or application and run it, you run the same risk as
you would running any new program. You should consider whether you
trust the site you are downloading the program from. Nothing "automatic"
within the browser would cause a virus to "invade" your computer.
What about sound files
retrieved from the Internet? |
Your computer must have the software and hardware to produce sounds. If it
does, you can obtain sound files from the Internet and save
them to disk for later modification or for listening, or you may listen to
them within your web browser.
How do I locate someone's e-mail address? |
Ask them! Or, when they send you mail, look at the "From:" address. E-mail
addresses are often listed on web pages.
FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. To download most of the software on the net you must find an FTP site. Some hosts allow anyone to download "software" from their sites this is known as anonymous FTP. Others require you to have an account with them, this is called.......non - anonymous FTP? Either way you will download two types of files, ASCII and binary. ASCII being text and binary being binary (programs). The type of download must be specified or things will not work when you complete the download.
Finding information on the net can be difficult at times. There are several ways to locate the information you are using. The WWW has its own "search engines." Google and Bing are two of the most popular ones.
Email is one of the greatest things on the net. You can send/receive mail from all over the world for the same price. All you need is an address and a mail program. If you subscribe to a listserv you can get messages delivered right to your mailbox. Listservs are like News Groups but when you send a message whoever is subscribed receives it in his/her mail.